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not counterfeit

  • 1 counterfeit

    1. adjective
    falsch, unecht [Schmuck]; falsch, gefälscht [Unterschrift, Münze, Banknote]

    counterfeit money — Falschgeld, das

    2. transitive verb
    * * *
    1. adjective
    1) (copied or made in imitation especially with a dishonest purpose: counterfeit money.) gefälscht
    2) (not genuine or not real.) gefälscht
    2. verb
    1) (to make a copy of for dishonest purposes: to counterfeit banknotes.) fälschen
    2) (to pretend: She counterfeited friendship.) heucheln
    * * *
    [ˈkaʊntəfɪt, AM -t̬ɚ-]
    I. adj inv gefälscht, nachgemacht
    \counterfeit money Falschgeld nt
    II. vt
    to \counterfeit money/a signature/a passport Geld/eine Unterschrift/einen Pass fälschen [o nachmachen]; ( fig)
    to \counterfeit pleasure/satisfaction/surprise/terror Freude/Zufriedenheit/Überraschung/Angst vortäuschen
    III. n Fälschung f
    * * *
    1. adj
    gefälscht; (fig) falsch

    counterfeit money/coins — Falschgeld nt

    2. n
    Fälschung f
    3. vt
    fälschen; (fig) vortäuschen
    * * *
    counterfeit [ˈkaʊntə(r)fıt; Br auch -fiːt]
    A adj
    1. nachgemacht, gefälscht, unecht, falsch:
    counterfeit money Falschgeld n
    2. fig vorgetäuscht, falsch
    B s
    1. Fälschung f
    2. obs Nachbildung f
    3. obs Betrüger(in)
    C v/t
    1. Geld, Unterschrift etc fälschen
    2. heucheln, vorgeben, vortäuschen, simulieren
    D v/i fälschen, Fälschungen ( besonders Falschgeld) herstellen
    * * *
    1. adjective
    falsch, unecht [Schmuck]; falsch, gefälscht [Unterschrift, Münze, Banknote]

    counterfeit money — Falschgeld, das

    2. transitive verb
    * * *
    falsch adj.
    nachgemacht adj. adj
    falsch adj

    English-german dictionary > counterfeit

  • 2 counterfeit

    1. adjective
    1) (copied or made in imitation especially with a dishonest purpose: counterfeit money.) falsificado
    2) (not genuine or not real.) falso

    2. verb
    1) (to make a copy of for dishonest purposes: to counterfeit banknotes.) falsificar
    2) (to pretend: She counterfeited friendship.) fingir, hacer ver
    1 falso,-a, falsificado,-a
    1 falsificación nombre femenino
    1 falsificar
    counterfeit ['kaʊntər.fɪt] vt
    1) : falsificar (dinero)
    2) pretend: fingir, aparentar
    : falso, inauténtico
    : falsificación f
    contrahecho, -a adj.
    falsificado, -a adj.
    falso, -a adj.
    contrahechura s.f.
    falsificación s.f.
    contradeshacer v.
    (§pres: -hago, -haces...) pret: -hic-
    pp: -hecho
    fut/c: -har-•)
    falsificar v.

    I 'kaʊntərfɪt, 'kaʊntəfɪt
    noun falsificación f

    transitive verb \<\<money\>\> falsificar*

    adjective < money> falso
    ADJ (=false) falsificado
    N falsificación f ; (=coin) moneda f falsa; (=note) billete m falso
    * * *

    I ['kaʊntərfɪt, 'kaʊntəfɪt]
    noun falsificación f

    transitive verb \<\<money\>\> falsificar*

    adjective < money> falso

    English-spanish dictionary > counterfeit

  • 3 counterfeit

    1. adjective
    1) (copied or made in imitation especially with a dishonest purpose: counterfeit money.) falsk; forfalsket
    2) (not genuine or not real.) uægte
    2. verb
    1) (to make a copy of for dishonest purposes: to counterfeit banknotes.) forfalske
    2) (to pretend: She counterfeited friendship.) give falsk indtryk; hykle
    * * *
    1. adjective
    1) (copied or made in imitation especially with a dishonest purpose: counterfeit money.) falsk; forfalsket
    2) (not genuine or not real.) uægte
    2. verb
    1) (to make a copy of for dishonest purposes: to counterfeit banknotes.) forfalske
    2) (to pretend: She counterfeited friendship.) give falsk indtryk; hykle

    English-Danish dictionary > counterfeit

  • 4 counterfeit

    I 1. ['kaʊntəfɪt]
    aggettivo [signature, note] falso, falsificato, contraffatto
    nome falsificazione f., contraffazione f.
    II ['kaʊntəfɪt]
    verbo transitivo falsificare, contraffare
    * * *
    1. adjective
    1) (copied or made in imitation especially with a dishonest purpose: counterfeit money.) falso, contraffatto
    2) (not genuine or not real.) falso
    2. verb
    1) (to make a copy of for dishonest purposes: to counterfeit banknotes.) falsificare, contraffare
    2) (to pretend: She counterfeited friendship.) fingere
    * * *
    counterfeit /ˈkaʊntəfɪt/
    A a.
    1 falsificato; falso; contraffatto
    2 simulato: counterfeit virtue, virtù simulata
    B n.
    1 falsificazione; contraffazione
    2 simulazione; finzione; infingimento.
    (to) counterfeit /ˈkaʊntəfɪt/
    v. t.
    1 falsificare; contraffare: to counterfeit money, falsificare denaro
    2 contraffare; imitare: to counterfeit sb. 's voice, contraffare la voce di q.
    3 fingere, simulare ( sentimenti, ecc.).
    * * *
    I 1. ['kaʊntəfɪt]
    aggettivo [signature, note] falso, falsificato, contraffatto
    nome falsificazione f., contraffazione f.
    II ['kaʊntəfɪt]
    verbo transitivo falsificare, contraffare

    English-Italian dictionary > counterfeit

  • 5 counterfeit

    hamisított, hamisítás, szimulálás, hamis, utánzott to counterfeit: másol, tettet, szimulál, megjátszik
    * * *
    1. adjective
    1) (copied or made in imitation especially with a dishonest purpose: counterfeit money.) hamis
    2) (not genuine or not real.) hamis
    2. verb
    1) (to make a copy of for dishonest purposes: to counterfeit banknotes.) hamisít
    2) (to pretend: She counterfeited friendship.) tettet

    English-Hungarian dictionary > counterfeit

  • 6 counterfeit

    1. adjective
    1) (copied or made in imitation especially with a dishonest purpose: counterfeit money.) falsk
    2) (not genuine or not real.) uekte
    2. verb
    1) (to make a copy of for dishonest purposes: to counterfeit banknotes.) forfalske
    2) (to pretend: She counterfeited friendship.) gi falskt skjær av, hykle
    subst. \/ˈkaʊntəfɪt\/, \/ˈkaʊntəfiːt\/
    1) forfalskning, etterligning
    2) ( gammeldags) kontrafei (bilde\/portrett)
    3) ( gammeldags) bedrager, svindler
    verb \/ˈkaʊntəfɪt\/, \/ˈkaʊntəfiːt\/
    1) etterligne, forfalske
    2) hykle, spille
    adj. \/ˈkaʊntəfɪt\/, \/ˈkaʊntəfiːt\/
    1) forfalsket, falsk, uekte
    2) forloren, uekte
    3) hyklet, spilt, påtatt
    4) ( gammeldags) avbildet

    English-Norwegian dictionary > counterfeit

  • 7 counterfeit

    1. adjective
    1) (copied or made in imitation especially with a dishonest purpose: counterfeit money.) falsaður
    2) (not genuine or not real.) óekta
    2. verb
    1) (to make a copy of for dishonest purposes: to counterfeit banknotes.) falsa
    2) (to pretend: She counterfeited friendship.) þykjast

    English-Icelandic dictionary > counterfeit

  • 8 counterfeit

    1. adjective
    1) (copied or made in imitation especially with a dishonest purpose: counterfeit money.) falso
    2) (not genuine or not real.) falso
    2. verb
    1) (to make a copy of for dishonest purposes: to counterfeit banknotes.) falsificar
    2) (to pretend: She counterfeited friendship.) fingir
    * * *
    [k'auntəfit] n 1 imitação, simulação, contrafação, falsificação. 2 impostor, falsificador. • vt 1 falsificar, contrafazer. 2 imitar, simular, aparentar. 3 fingir, pretender. • adj contrafeito, falsificado, forjado, falso.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > counterfeit

  • 9 counterfeit

    adj. sahte, taklit, kalp, yapmacık
    n. sahte şey, kalp para
    v. sahtesini yapmak, taklit etmek; para basmak
    * * *
    1. taklit et 2. taklit et (v.) 3. sahte (adj.)
    * * *
    1. adjective
    1) (copied or made in imitation especially with a dishonest purpose: counterfeit money.) sahte
    2) (not genuine or not real.) taklit, hakiki olmayan
    2. verb
    1) (to make a copy of for dishonest purposes: to counterfeit banknotes.) (kalp para) basmak
    2) (to pretend: She counterfeited friendship.) taklit etmek,...gibi görünmek

    English-Turkish dictionary > counterfeit

  • 10 counterfeit

    1. adjective
    1) (copied or made in imitation especially with a dishonest purpose: counterfeit money.) ponarejen
    2) (not genuine or not real.) ponarejen
    2. verb
    1) (to make a copy of for dishonest purposes: to counterfeit banknotes.) ponarejati
    2) (to pretend: She counterfeited friendship.) pretvarjati se
    * * *
    I [káuntəfit]
    transitive verb
    ponarejati, popačiti; ponatisniti; hliniti, oponašati
    II [káuntəfit]
    ponarejen, popačen, nepristen;
    ponarejek, popačba, plagiat; slepar, licemerec, -rka

    English-Slovenian dictionary > counterfeit

  • 11 counterfeit

    • jäljitelty
    • jäljittely
    • jäljitelmä
    • jäljitellä
    • tuotekopio
    • epäaito
    • epärehellinen
    • vale-
    • väärennetty
    • väärä
    • väärentää
    • väärennys
    • väärennös
    • väärentää rahaa
    * * *
    1. adjective
    1) (copied or made in imitation especially with a dishonest purpose: counterfeit money.) väärennetty
    2) (not genuine or not real.) epäaito
    2. verb
    1) (to make a copy of for dishonest purposes: to counterfeit banknotes.) väärentää
    2) (to pretend: She counterfeited friendship.) teeskennellä

    English-Finnish dictionary > counterfeit

  • 12 counterfeit

    ['kauntəfɪt] 1. n 2. vt 3. adj
    * * *
    1. adjective
    1) (copied or made in imitation especially with a dishonest purpose: counterfeit money.) podrobiony
    2) (not genuine or not real.) fałszywy
    2. verb
    1) (to make a copy of for dishonest purposes: to counterfeit banknotes.) podrabiać
    2) (to pretend: She counterfeited friendship.) udawać

    English-Polish dictionary > counterfeit

  • 13 counterfeit

    1. adjective
    1) (copied or made in imitation especially with a dishonest purpose: counterfeit money.) viltots
    2) (not genuine or not real.) neīsts
    2. verb
    1) (to make a copy of for dishonest purposes: to counterfeit banknotes.) viltot
    2) (to pretend: She counterfeited friendship.) izlikties; liekuļot
    * * *
    viltojums; viltot; liekuļot, izlikties; viltots; liekuļots, neīsts

    English-Latvian dictionary > counterfeit

  • 14 counterfeit

    1. adjective
    1) (copied or made in imitation especially with a dishonest purpose: counterfeit money.) padirbtas, suklastotas
    2) (not genuine or not real.) netikras
    2. verb
    1) (to make a copy of for dishonest purposes: to counterfeit banknotes.) padirbti, suklastoti
    2) (to pretend: She counterfeited friendship.) apsimesti, nuduoti

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > counterfeit

  • 15 counterfeit

    adj. förfalskad
    n. förfalskning
    v. förfalska
    * * *
    1. adjective
    1) (copied or made in imitation especially with a dishonest purpose: counterfeit money.) förfalskad, efterapad
    2) (not genuine or not real.) falsk, oäkta
    2. verb
    1) (to make a copy of for dishonest purposes: to counterfeit banknotes.) förfalska
    2) (to pretend: She counterfeited friendship.) hyckla, spela

    English-Swedish dictionary > counterfeit

  • 16 counterfeit

    1. adjective
    1) (copied or made in imitation especially with a dishonest purpose: counterfeit money.) padělaný
    2) (not genuine or not real.) falešný
    2. verb
    1) (to make a copy of for dishonest purposes: to counterfeit banknotes.) padělat
    2) (to pretend: She counterfeited friendship.) předstírat
    * * *
    • podvrh
    • padělek
    • padělat

    English-Czech dictionary > counterfeit

  • 17 counterfeit

    1. adjective
    1) (copied or made in imitation especially with a dishonest purpose: counterfeit money.) sfalšovaný
    2) (not genuine or not real.) falošný
    2. verb
    1) (to make a copy of for dishonest purposes: to counterfeit banknotes.) sfalšovať
    2) (to pretend: She counterfeited friendship.) predstierať
    * * *
    • predstieraný
    • falošný
    • podvodník
    • napodobenina

    English-Slovak dictionary > counterfeit

  • 18 counterfeit

    1. adjective
    1) (copied or made in imitation especially with a dishonest purpose: counterfeit money.) fals
    2) (not genuine or not real.) fals
    2. verb
    1) (to make a copy of for dishonest purposes: to counterfeit banknotes.) a contra­face
    2) (to pretend: She counterfeited friendship.) a simula

    English-Romanian dictionary > counterfeit

  • 19 counterfeit

    1. adjective
    1) (copied or made in imitation especially with a dishonest purpose: counterfeit money.) πλαστός
    2) (not genuine or not real.) κίβδηλος
    2. verb
    1) (to make a copy of for dishonest purposes: to counterfeit banknotes.) παραχαράζω, πλαστογραφώ
    2) (to pretend: She counterfeited friendship.) προσποιούμαι

    English-Greek dictionary > counterfeit

  • 20 counterfeit

    1. adjective
    1) copied or made in imitation especially with a dishonest purpose:

    counterfeit money.

    مُزيَّف، مُزوَّر
    2) not genuine or not real.
    زائِف، مُقَلَّد
    2. verb
    1) to make a copy of for dishonest purposes:

    to counterfeit banknotes.

    يُزيِّف، يُزوِّر
    2) to pretend:

    She counterfeited friendship.

    يَتَظاهَر، يَدَّعـي

    Arabic-English dictionary > counterfeit

См. также в других словарях:

  • counterfeit# — counterfeit vb feign, sham, simulate, pretend, *assume, affect Analogous words: *copy, imitate, mimic, ape: dissemble, *disguise counterfeit adj Counterfeit, spurious, bogus, fake, sham, pseudo, pinchbeck, phony are comparable when meaning not at …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Counterfeit medications — Contents 1 Prescription and over the counter drugs 1.1 China 1.2 India …   Wikipedia

  • Counterfeit banknote detection pen — Counterfeit pens contain an iodine based ink. They can be used to detect counterfeit Swiss franc, euro and United States banknotes amongst others. Typically, genuine banknotes are printed on paper based on cotton fibers, and do not contain the… …   Wikipedia

  • counterfeit — coun·ter·feit 1 / kau̇n tər ˌfit/ adj [Middle French contrefait, past participle of contrefaire to imitate, draw, paint, from contre counter + faire to make]: made in imitation of a genuine article (as a document) without authorization and esp.… …   Law dictionary

  • Counterfeit² — Studio album by Martin L Gore Released April 28, 2003 ( …   Wikipedia

  • Counterfeit² — Студийный альбом Мартин Гор …   Википедия

  • Counterfeit God — is a single by Black Label Society, featured on their 2000 studio album, Stronger Than Death. The song is about televangelists, much like the earlier Ozzy Osbourne which Zakk co wrote, Miracle Man, which dealt with the hypocrisy of Jimmy Swaggart …   Wikipedia

  • Counterfeit e.p. — Counterfeit e.p. EP by Martin L Gore Released June 12, 1989 (1989 06 12) …   Wikipedia

  • Counterfeit — Coun ter*feit, n. 1. That which resembles or is like another thing; a likeness; a portrait; a counterpart. [1913 Webster] Thou drawest a counterfeit Best in all Athens. Shak. [1913 Webster] Even Nature s self envied the same, And grudged to see… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • counterfeit — [adj] fake, simulated affected, assumed, bent, bogus*, brummagem, copied, crock, deceptive, delusive, delusory, ersatz, faked, false, feigned, fictitious, fishy*, forged, framed, fraudulent, Hollywood*, imitation, misleading, mock, not genuine,… …   New thesaurus

  • Counterfeit Son — book cover Counterfeit Son is a 2000 novel by Elaine Marie Alphin and was written for young adults. It received a 2001 Edgar Award from the Mystery Writers of America for Best Young Adult Mystery. It is a psychological thriller. Plot Cameron… …   Wikipedia

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